Eyes on You Ministry

My non profit has been designed to bring each family hope in Jesus.

Each gift box from my non-profit will be filled with some of my very favorite goodies and biblical resources. We are also working toward being able to provide licensed Biblical counseling and/or bible studies to cancer patients like you and your caretakers. 

If you are interested in joining one of our Bible studies or receiving Christian counseling for you or your caretakers, reach out and email – hope712@gmail.com


It is so hard at times to gaze on Jesus while we are in a storm and we hear, feel and see the lightning coming at us…BUT, just as Peter got out of his boat and walked towards Jesus, so are we in our suffering. 

We are walking towards Jesus and sometimes we are like Peter and begin to look at the storm and drown, but the most beautiful part of this story (the reason why I named my ministry Eyes on You) is this:

Peter began drowning, then he put his eyes on Jesus and that is when he began to walk on water again. He began to gaze at Jesus and only glance at the storm. There is no formula to healing or to gaining one more day- but there is a name who is above all names. His name is Jesus. And He is enough. We need nothing else. 

As much as I grieve how cancer has effected our life. I encourage you to keep running your race that is set out before you, keeping your eyes on Jesus – no matter the circumstances, the finish line will always be Jesus. He is the great reward. The ones next to you and far from you are running this race with you and are cheering you on to keep your eyes on Jesus because one day we too will have the same  finish line and reward.


Our Mission

Eyes on you ministry was created with the goal of equipping each cancer patient and their caretakers with biblical resources and counseling! 

Our ministry has a lot going on and I’d love for you join us and pray for us.  Follow us on Social media and be sure to send us a private message if you are interested in being in the ministry or interested in someone you know to be involved. 

We currently have a ladies Bible study for those who have or had cancer , we meet on zoom every Wednesday at 11am. And would love to have you join our community of ladies who “get” the suffering and the term cancer. 

A mens study will also be starting soon and so will a caretaker group. 


We are always growing and looking for ways to reach the lost and remind the saved of Gods goodness !